シンガポール・シーフード・リパブリック 銀座
Off from the open kitchen area is an open dining area. While overlooking the Ginza district and Tokyo Tower, you can enjoy an elegant dining experience. For lunch, enjoy a light buffet with authentic food and Malaysian laksa noodles made before your eyes.
ブッフェ 平日11:00~14:00 平日は時間無制限、大人 2,980円(税込) ジュニア(4~12歳) 1,280円(税込)/ 土日祝11:00〜15:00 土日祝は90分間の時間制 大人 2,980円(税込)ジュニア(4~12歳) 1,280円(税込)
Buffet hours: Weekday11:00am – 2:00pm Adults: 2,980 yen (tax included) Kids (ages 4 -12): 1,280 yen (tax included) / Sat. Sun. Hol. 11:00am – 3:00pm (for one and half an hours) Adults: 2,980 yen (tax included) Kids (ages 4 -12): 1,280 yen (tax included)
The lunch buffet at the Ginza location is highly recommended. The scent of Asia fills the air, starting with chicken rice, lined up with many other Singapore dishes. The Malaysian laksa noodles made right before your eyes are quite a hit. The pastry chef also makes a colorful variety of desserts.
*Pictures are used for illustration only
Please note that some items may not be offered due to a lack of availability.
A hallmark dish of Singapore that is also highly promoted by the Singapore national government. Using mud crabs that are flown from southeast Asia while still alive, they are prepared only after a customer places an order. The sauce is made by mixing tomatoes, chili peppers and beaten eggs along with a collection of Singapore spices. You can even enjoy this original flavor here in Japan. The delicious crab meat will of course add flavor to the sauce for bread sticks and mixed with fried rice. Fee free to eat mud crab till your heart’s content.
カヤジャムシュー カヤジャムとは、ココナッツとパンダンリーフを合わせたシンガポールのジャムです。シンガポールでは、炭火で焼いたトーストにカヤジャムを挟んだ「カヤトースト」が親しまれています。カヤトーストと一緒に温泉卵を味わうのが、現地のスタイルです。シンガポール・シーフード・リパブリック品川店では、カヤジャムとクリームを合わせたオリジナルシュークリームをご用意しました。現地と同様に、温泉卵のソースと合わせてお楽しみください。
ORIGINAL COCONUTS JAM CHOU “KAYA JAM CHOU” Kaya jam is a native Singapore jam made with coconut and pandanus (screw pine tree). In Singapore it is often put between pieces of bread toasted over charcoal, called “Kaya toast.” Kaya toast and a soft boiled egg is what the locals relish. At Singapore Seafood Republic’s Shinagawa restaurant, we prepare our own original cream and kaya jam cream puff.Just like the locals, you can enjoy a soft boiled egg with a special sauce.
■営業時間: 【Lunch(平日)】 11:00~14:00 【Lunch(土日祝)】 11:00~15:00 【Dinner】 17:00~23:00(L.O.22:00)
■定休日: 無休(ビル休館日を除く)
■席数: ダイニング110席
■個室: 5室 最大30席
■ベビーチェアあり ■提携の有料駐車場あり